Saturday, 23 May 2009

The End of wxScreenplayWriter - the beginning of wxPage2Stage

After several mailings between myself and David Thielen the author and main developer of Page 2 Stage, which is now an open source project, coupled with the fact that I now have a job and so my development time has been drastically reduced, I have decided to cease work on my own (commercial) project.

Instead I will spend my time (what I do have of it) between two projects.

page2stage and wxPage2Stage

The first will be a straight up continuation of the current Page 2 Stage Windows based program, removing the licensing issues and replacing the spell checker/thesaurus with a suitable Open Source variant. Hopefully correcting any bugs along the way.

The second will be based on the P2S codebase and will be an attempt to recreate the program in a cross platform wxWidgets based method. I will obviously be using wxDev-C++ for the design of the dialogs which will be initially a simple copy of the current P2S dialogs. In order to use the current translation files, I will be implementing a different approach to the current wxWidgets standard multilanguage method, but am not sure quite which one at the moment. This will require investigation.

Hopefully I will be able to use a large part of the current source code to implement a speedy initial development.