Thursday, 26 June 2008

What is wxScreenplayWriter?

Hello and welcome to my blog discussing the development and release of wxScreenplayWriter.

wxScreenplayWriter is my own development project. A standalone screenplay word processor.

wxScreenplayWriter will be developed using wxWidgets a true cross platform development toolkit.

It is being developed using wxForms a plugin for Borland/CodeGear C++ development IDE's (everything from Borland C++ Builder 6 personal up to the newest CodeGear Delphi Development suite).

wxScreenplayWriter will be available for all platforms (as long as they belong to Mac/Linux/Windows).

It will function exactly the same on all platforms (at least this is the intention) but should have each platforms unique look and feel wherever possible.

Hopefully I'll be able to provide an initial screenshot in my next blog entry.

Keep on coding

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